Lilly ~ 6 months | Bozeman Helena Montana Baby Photographer
I truly adore watching my babies grow up! OK, they're not my babies, but given that I get to visit them every three months through their first year, I feel like I have some connection to them. It's so fun to anticipate each session and see how much they've grown and changed since last time I saw them.
Case in point, little Miss Lilly. Nothing but sweet. The same beautiful smile since the beginning. You'd never even know she was battling a cold this day, because every time I looked at her, she just smiled! See for yourself: Lilly at 3 months and as a newborn.

I try to always capture baby parts in addition to their beautiful eyes and faces. (Confession: baby belly buttons are my all time favorite baby part).

And of course, major props to Dad, a.k.a. baby wrangler. I couldn't do what I do without parents lending a helping hand along the way!

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