Lepley Family ~ Bozeman, MT Family Photographer
A couple months ago I put my feelers out to get my camera on some high school seniors to see how it went. In a nutshell, it went fabulously! You may remember my post of Taylor, who came with her mom and dad from Billings to have a session (well, two...) with me. It was great! Not only is she beautiful, but she's polite, well mannered and a pleasure to be around. Turns out it runs in the family. The whole family came back to do a session this past week and we took full advantage of the beautiful fall colors here in Bozeman. They were a blast - and totally willing to do anything in front of the camera.

I learned right around this point that mom and one of the girls are deathly afraid of grasshoppers. Ooops. Bad place to face that fear, but thanks for going with the flow :)

While gazing into the eyes of these kids, I realized that I've had far more blue-eyed subjects than brown. I thoroughly enjoyed the change of pace!

Easy to see where it comes from...

Being that we've spent a fair amount of time together at this point, I didn't have much trouble convincing them to jump. We did a lot of jumping. I love it when you really feel comfortable together and get some honest, fun shots along with the more serious ones.

See what I mean? Lots of jumping. Love it.

More jumping. And running.

Um, yeah. More jumping. Love it.

Thanks for spending your time with me! I had a great time - hope you did, too! Your proofs will be on the way shortly.
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