Holiday deals from Zo-Mak Photo | Montana & Alaska Holiday Photographer
Click here to purchase Zo-Mak Photography's Holiday deals from December 1-6, 2014.
I went back and forth about the idea to offer some sort of special this Christmas season. After much thought, I decided that the opportunity to have priceless memories with loved ones at an affordable price trumps the latest electronic gadget that is available on Thanksgiving day at 10pm...

So in the spirit of shopping local and not buying some meaningless gadget just to cross a name off the list, I offer you this:
*30 minute on-location session
*private online gallery of images
*5 high resolution digital images
20% off additional purchases
*Receive 25% off gift certificates purchased on December 1, 2015

**all holiday deals must be booked and used prior to June 1, 2015.